We find it easy forgiving others but difficult forgiving ourselves.
We say love is blind. We can love someone wholeheartedly despite the person's limitations, flaws,age,character and personality. Yet we find it difficult loving ourselves.
Like seriously, its not easy being you. Since you were born it has been you and you alone. In times of depression, failure, tears, sorrow, joy and happiness you are always there for yourself.
Even if you have 100 more years to live on earth, you will still live with yourself.
The only person that can willingly follow you to the grave when you die is yourself.
The only person that has your deepest secret is you. The only person that knows your strength and weaknesses is you.
My dear you've gat to celebrate yourself. At least bring out a day and buy yourself something, relax and enjoy. It mustn't always be on birthday occasions.
Even though you don't have all the six packs, red lips, height, pointed nose, and stature you need, work on yourself, discover yourself. Love is blind. Love yourself irrespective of all these limitations.
If someone can still love you the way you are even at first sight, you should be able to love yourself.
Finally, Love not lust. Don't get too carried away with yourself.
Don't be too self-centered and greedy. Share some love.
Thanks for reading .
And even if you don't love yourself, WE LOVE YOU!!!
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